Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Our upgraded Mini R50 R52 R53 heater matrix is now popular again

Cheap alloy units continue to fail.

We started selling our copper and brass version of the BMW mini one heater matrix within a couple of years of the vehicle being released. This was because the original units started to fail at an alarming rate, sometimes even the replacements were failing. Our robust version was much stronger and had the advantage of not suffering from an 'electrolysis' problem that was quite literally dissolving alloy units.

 Initial sales were great but an influx of cheap alloy imports soon ended our ability to compete on price, resulting in a fall in sales.

 It seems now that word is getting around that the cheap imported units are not lasting and that the warranty offered on them is not always being honoured. Our sales are beginning to rise again as we replace the replacements and customers realise the false economy in buying sub-standard parts.

 If you need a new heater matrix and want the best available please contact us

Our upgraded Mini R50 R52 R53 heater matrix is now popular again

Cheap alloy units continue to fail. We started selling our copper and brass version of the BMW mini one heater matrix within a couple of...